1 large onion,                                           

8oz/225g carrots, scrubbed or lightly peeled,

8oz/225g cabbage,

5oz/150g leek,

Black pepper,

1 dsp/10ml sunflower oil,

3 tbsp/45ml light soy sauce,

3 pints/1710ml light vegetable stock,

1 tsp/5ml ground coriander,

1 dsp/10ml cornflour,

3oz/75g thread egg noodles.






1) Firstly prepare the vegetables.  Halve the onion and slice into thin strips.  Make the carrots into ribbons by running a vegetable peeler along the length of the carrots.  Try to make the ribbons only 2 - 3 inches long as opposed to the entire length of the carrot.  Slice the leek into rings 0.5 inch/1.25cm thick and rinse thoroughly in a sieve.  Finely shred the cabbage.


2) Heat the oil in a large heavy based pan.  When hot add the onion and stir thoroughly to separate out the slithers.  Cover and saute over a moderate heat for 8 minutes, stirring every now and again.  Add the coriander and cook for a minute longer. 


3) Stir in the vegetables, soy sauce and the stock.  Season with plenty of pepper, cover, bring to the boil , reduce the heat and simmer for 15 minutes.  


4) Break the noodles into small pieces and add to the soup.  Simmer for 4 -5 minutes longer.  


5) Blend the cornflour with a drop of water and stir into the soup.  Simmer for a couple of minutes and then serve.    


Please note: All illustrations & recipes shown on this page are copyright Sharyn Turner 2000